
Health from the Inside Out


Ayurveda (aye-your-vay-duh), is a Sanskrit word meaning the Study or Knowledge of Life. Ayumeaning ‘life’ and vedameaning ‘science’ or ‘total knowledge’.

Ayurveda originates from South India over 5,000 years ago, established as the oldest recorded health system in the world. A healthcare system which focuses on the root cause of dis-ease in the body. Ayurveda views the body as a whole, meaning it looks at our physical (includes mental), emotional, and spiritual self. Health, meaning a state of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and not just the absence of dis-ease.

To have a body without heaviness and illness, is to have health in our physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, occupational, environmental, and financial spaces.


The goal of AyurVeda is to find complete health or balance in the entire Being through lifestyle medicine, chronic disease preventability and personalized medicine. The process of healing starts with where the individual’s imbalance originated...getting to the root. AyurVeda uses the body’s original makeup and design to personalize natural remedies and modalities such as food, herbs, spices, lifestyle habits, body work, cleansing and more to restore balance. The relationship with our own awareness is how we can ignite lasting change from within. AyurVeda brings together both ends of the spectrum...medicine and spirituality, health and happiness. Taking care of the wellbeing now, where prevention is just as important as medicine. We are what we digest and absorb.


AyurVeda brings us to self realization in the journey of health. In order to heighten our inner awareness and remove any sort of dis-ease in the body, we must find flow in ALL aspects of our lives, not just the physical. If one area is off, the system of our life can suffer as a whole. We truly are one.

Health is life in AyurVeda...by focusing on your intake (diet) you can truly find more ease in focusing on other aspects of your life. Food that is clean and supports your individual self, allows for more space in creativity and energy for life, food is our fuel (so let’s pump Premium!).

“It’s not just what we eat it’s how we eat, when we eat, where we eat and why we eat.” -Hannah 

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