Ayurvedic Consultations


An Ayurvedic Consultation with Hannah is for the person who wants to create lasting changes in their life, to increase vitality, feel lighter in overall wellness, as well as enhance happiness, peace and Love for Self.


Single Session(s)

The individual sessions are for the person who would like to start introducing Ayurvedic practices & balance into their life. This is a great way to get a closer look at how your Dosha (mind-body type) works in your life through movement, food, and lifestyle. You will receive free access to my Introduction to Ayurveda Ebook.

*If you would like to discuss a treatment plan and continue to implement Ayurveda into your lifestyle, we can move forward with additional sessions at your own time & pace. See Session 1-Initial Consultation below for further details.

Session 1

Initial 60 Minute Consultation

  • Health Questionnaire: Prior to our first appointment I ask that you complete a Health Questionnaire as part of the appointment scheduling process and forward any medical diagnostic reports. This gives us time to review and begin to understand your health concerns and goals. 

  • Receive a free access code to my Introduction to Ayurveda Ebook: Dive deeper into the Doshas and learn how to apply Ayurveda into your daily life.

  • Discussing Your Dosha: (mind-body type) and where your imbalances lie based on your Dosha’s unique tendencies. Take a DOSHA QUIZ HERE.

  • The Initial Consultation: We review your Health Questionnaire and discuss your health concerns in detail. At your first appointment I ask a lot of questions. I really want to understand your health and how any imbalances came to be. The solution to any imbalances in your health is unique to you. 

Session 2

Your Treatment Plan

  • Discussing a Treatment Plan: which is individualized specifically for where your health currently is. In this follow up, we will be able to dive deeper into the transformation. By removing any toxicity in the body, restoring balance and maintaining lasting health, I will guide you towards true embodiment of what it means to actually live a healthy life.

  • Expanding on Your Personalized Program: includes customized grocery list, balancing recipes, consciousness practices, self love rituals, herbal recommendations and more!

  • Answering Any Questions: and/or addressing concerns you may have in regards to our first call & your treatment plan.

Session 3

Applying Ayurveda

  • Follow Up/Guide: this is when we are really establishing the habits

  • Fine Tuning Your Treatment Plan: this is where we look at what has/not been working in your personalized plan.

  • Refining nutrition, self care tools, herbal/supplemental intake, & exercise routines

  • Session 3 is when you will be well on your way to balance & applying Ayurvedic concepts into your life

Session 4

Long Term Plan

  • This last call is dedicated to setting you up for a long term plan that keeps you healthy & in balance

In Ayurveda we look at the individual as a whole, addressing any dis-ease in the physical, mental, or emotional body. I will provide ways to make Ayurveda not only attainable but achievable in your life; by modernizing the ancient wisdom so you can thrive.

Thank you so much for this Ayurvedic Consultation. I’ve started eating a larger lunch and smaller/earlier dinner and already feel so much better in the mornings, like I’ve actually digested my food from the day before. Very excited to keep going. Thank you for your guidance, I appreciate you!
— Sara H.

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