Soul Sister Retreat


Ayurvedic Workshops

I have been to both Hannah’s yoga classes and her Women’s Circles and I have never learned or felt so much better about myself. Hannah is doing exactly what she was born to do! Helping people find themselves and uplift them through her work. Hannah’s Women’s Circles really uplift and bring you closer to knowing how important and how strong women can be when they come together. We are always told we are weak and alone and need a man to help us. But when you are with other women and are all helping each other (instead of being jealous of each other) we can really take on the world. I learned how to be a better version of myself and that I am not alone. I also made some new friends along the way. Best connections, realizations, and a safe place to share / acknowledge your feelings.
— Priscilla Vidal
Such an informative and fun workshop! I love Hannah’s passion and spirit! So glad I attended :)
— Vanessa