Local Food Drops

Monterey, Seaside, Pacific Grove, & Carmel

Coming March 2021

What’s Included

Your Seasonal Health Box

  • Two Items - Veggie Soup and a seasonal rotation of Dahl, Kitchari, & Bean Dish.

  • Two servings per order - feeds 2 people

  • Customized Spice Pack for your Dosha

  • $37 Per Box

  • Discover Your Dosha with this Quiz Here *provided by Banyan Botanicals

Add On’s

  • Double Your Order (feeds 4 people) + $17

  • Sides - Basmati Rice | Veggie Fry Rice | Naan Bread

  • Dessert - Sunflower Butter Cups (4 pieces) | Bliss Balls (4 pieces)


All health boxes and add ons are Gluten Free and Tri-Doshic (balancing for all the Doshas). Any allergies can be noted at check out.


Digestion for each Dosha


With Digestive Imbalance:

Irregular hunger, digestion and elimination; variable energy levels; tendency towards being underweight//hard time gaining weight; deals with constipation, gas, bloating or frequent belching, intestinal cramping.


With Digestive Imbalance:

Strong hunger, quick digestion, large food capacity, does not gain weight easily, frequent bowel movements (2+), tendency towards soft stools and diarrhea, tendency towards acid re-flux and hyper-acidity, heartburn.


With Digestive Imbalance:

Mild hunger and easily skips meals, excessive eating,  slow digestion, small food capacity, gains weight easily, may tend towards laziness, frequent bowel movements, sluggish digestion, feels heavy and sleepy after meals. 

Balanced Digestion For All

Digestion is key to health.


Agni, otherwise known as our ‘digestive fire’ governs proper digestion...meaning we need to keep the fire lit! Digestion is the process of breaking food into component nutrients and synthesis into bodily tissues. An unbalanced digestion or ‘Agni’ becomes unable to digest even light food; the undigested food then becomes acidified and toxic. According to Ayurveda 80% of disease originates in the gut. A balanced Agni expresses as a strong but balanced appetite; vibrant and detailed taste while eating; the body also as a whole feels light during and after digestion; along with possessing good energy and enthusiasm...you radiate from the inside out.

Sunflower Butter Cups

Sunflower Butter Cups

It is not just what we eat…but how we eat, when we eat, where we eat and why we eat.
Our nourishment towards Self can be reflective of the love we have for Self.
— Hannah

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